Alright, so I'm in the middle of writing a post about leggings. Those of you that know me should be pretty excited. ;) For now however, I'd like to just throw in a short blurb on commercials. Back in the good ol' days, it was deemed as inappropriate to show an onscreen kiss any longer than 3 seconds. It was also a "no no" to even have one bed shown in a married couple's bedroom, so as to not even hint at anything risque. I feel it quite the sad commentary on our society how things have changed. While I think these two precautions may have been a bit much, it seems as if anything goes nowadays! At least withing the last few years, the more sketchy or mature commercials were limited to channels that are meant for older audiences. Today though, there are extremely dirty commercials on channels like PBS! As if it wasn't bad enough to have certain commercials allowed on TV at ALL! Goodness... I also feel like commercials in general are becoming worse and worse, which is probably why those commercials mentioned above made it successfully onto channels meant mainly for young children. On the more mainstream channels, I've noticed that several lines have been crossed. I've seen a couple of things in commercials that should only be in rated R movies (not that I approve of anything of this nature should be shown at all, but still...)! A roommate and I saw something of this nature and couldn't even think of much to say because of our complete shock! EEW!! I can't take that image back, and the TV show we were watching was completely innocent! So bugged... I know of a few people who have written and complained to some TV stations. I don't really approve of complaining about something that you may have a chance to do something about. We all know that TV is getting harder and harder to watch due to the lightness our society has placed on certain matters. SO...LET'S DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! Write who needs to be written. Talk with those you know. Let's do what we can in an attempt to make one of the most popular forms of media more safe and clean! YAY!
Remember, it's the little things in life!
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