As a photographer, I absolutely LOVE Photoshop. At the same time however, I know it has a pretty bad reputation. In a lot (I'm pretty sure it's safe to say "most") of today's media, Photoshop is used to deceive us "normal" people into thinking we're not good enough. I actually saw a fake ad for a facial cream called Photoshop; it made me laugh :) While I found this funny, I also saw the truth in it. Sometimes I think we need to go back and read some of the Classic satires, such as Jonathan Swift, to really get today's society to realize how ridiculous much of our media has become. I'm extremely grateful to have the guidance of modern-day prophets and apostles! I can't remember which of the Brethren said this (and I'm paraphrasing), but I think that, esPECially in today's world, we need to keep in mind "that if it sounds [and/or looks] too good to be true, then it probably is!" Let's leave Photoshop to the photographers out there for artistic purposes, not deception, shall we? ;)
Remember, it's the little things in life!
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