Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The fb Status

Yay! My very first blog post! I've never really been the blog type, but it just so happens I supposed to use one for a class I'm taking this semester. At least twice a week, I'll be posting some form of media (on a blog, ironic much? lol) along with some thoughts and impressions about it. Today's post is regarding fb statuses in general.

I was browsing along earlier today and saw several completely different types of posts. A couple of examples (paraphrased) that really stuck out to me were, "I can change the world." and a lengthy and annoyed post about public breast feeding. While I agreed with what both posts were saying, I found it really interesting just how drastically different they were. Yes, they're two completely different people, but the reason I thought this was so interesting was mostly due to the things and ways people as a whole use fb. For many, it's just a literal update of what they're doing, others pertain to religion, politics (both usually backed by extreme passion), what someone just made/ate for dinner, who someone's been spending time with, and (but most certainly not limited to) one of my favorites, the completely random and humorous.

Something I feel like people need to be more careful about though, is keeping in mind what they're intending to portray and what will actually be portrayed as interpreted by others. There's nothing like a face to face, in person conversation. Anything communicated in text (not just fb or social networks) can always, and will, be interpreted and read differently than what was actually meant. The art of communication is being lost in our world today, and I feel that that's a big problem. Miss-communication is often the root of conflict. So, I guess my point is, talk more meaningfully, write/post less importantly. People are more important than "likes" and number of "friends."

Remember, it's the little things in life!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I really liked what you said about talking more meaningfully and that people are most important. If we spend too much time or focus too much on facebook we can lose those real and most important connections with people.
