So, as I'm sure everyone has noticed, the topic of "marriage equality" has become quite the topic of discussion in the media as of late. I've been thinking a lot about this lately in combination with my beliefs as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A good friend of mine posed this question on his Facebook page: "How can any person who has been to the Temple and call themselves an active LDS member ever support gay marriage?" He was asking this in an honestly inquisitive manner, not accusatory at all. I decided to add my thoughts to the many others that were posted. They were as follows:
I've thought the same thing many a time. I came up with this analogy today, actually: You have a friend that drinks. You don't judge them for drinking, and you continue not to drink. You still love this person. However, you hand them a bottle and say, "I don't agree with or support this action, but have a bottle on me!" That's how I feel about LDS members supporting same-sex marriage. Those who have these feelings and act on them in any way, member or not, aren't bad people. Love the sinner, not the sin, right? That doesn't have to include pushing for the sin in order to seem more "pc," or tolerant. Love and accept people despite the choices they make, but don't encourage things you know to be fundamentally wrong. Would you support lowering the drinking age, or getting rid of it altogether? Legalizing all drugs? A law stating that couples must co-habit before marriage? A push for women to have the Priesthood? Supporting same-sex marriage is the same idea. If you support something that's fundamentally against what we believe, you don't fully understand the principle or doctrine. That's how I see it. I know I'm not going to be very popular because of this comment, but whatever. You don't have to support and encourage something you know to be wrong in order to prove your lack of prejudice, judgement, or cruel nature.
As I mentioned in the comment, I'm sure this post isn't going to give me any popularity points among viewers (as I witnessed when I expressed thoughts on something as simple as!!), but this is what I believe, and no cruel comment on a blog will change that fact. I love my religion, I love my God. He's always true to me, so I'll do my very best to be true to Him. So, if you can resist, just don't comment if you're merely looking for an argument. I already know the majority doesn't agree with me, no need to point it out. ;) Since this topic has been all over the media, I figured I'd add my part to it. If you feel I didn't explain my stand well enough, the video is the LDS Church's response to the HRC Petition. For more detailed information, visit here or even here; these sites will help fill in any blanks I most likely missed. :)